The good old days, or were they?

I’m old enough to remember how the cane at school was used for punishment. My dad is old enough to think that banning corporal punishment in schools resulted in today’s poorly disciplined youth.

With all of this as my early experiences, there was a time when I would have been better assigned to write about how to negatively discipline your child.

What changed?

Thankfully my wife showed me different approaches for discipline that were very positive.

Plus, I was open to learning.

What has not changed is that kids are full of problems with impulses and emotions that flip from sad, to happy then angry in a moment.

We’re not that different as adults, with stress, anxiety, lack of sleep and stimulants such as sugar and caffeine in our diets.

So what’s Punishment?

What this means is that we usually take the easy path when a child misbehaves and use a strategy of punishment. Punishment may solve an isolated problem, but it’s not really teaching the kids anything useful in the long term.

Probably it’s time for me to be clear what I mean by punishment and discipline as these terms are often used interchangeably, but they are quite different.

Punishment is where we inflict pain or suffering on our child as a penalty.

Is Discipline the same as Punishment?

Discipline means to teach. It’s quite the opposite, but you’ll appreciate that teachers, parents and coaches often confuse the two words.

So as parents, if we’ve clear goals to teach our kids. It’s a long term plan, using strategies that will have the longest-lasting impact on our kids are the best use of our time and energy.

If you’re clear about what you want to achieve, then it becomes easier to find the best strategy. The better we are at responding when our kids misbehave or do not follow our guidance, the better the results are going to be.

Is this another post about perfect parents raising perfect kids?

Stay with me as I appreciate that a lot of people who read these blogs have not always got children with impulse control. We’ve had a lot of kids in our martial arts classes that were the complete opposite. 

They had concentration issues, hyperactive and disruptive to the other children.

The easy solution is to punish their parents by removing the kids from the class or punish the child with penalties such as time outs and burpees.

Yes, it was tempting to do all of this, but one of our club values is that we pull you up, rather than push you down.

This means it’s a long term gain to build trustand confidence, which is destroyed by constant punishments.

Discipline Strategies #1

Here are the discipline strategies we used to build trust and confidence with these hyperactive kids.

Patience. The more patient you are, the more likely you are to get results.

Remember I said that we need to build trust and connection. You’ll get further with this goal using patience. As a coach, sometimes I could not connect with a particular child, but we had other coaches in the club that could step in here. 

As a parent, you may not have this luxury, so it’s really important to recognise any improvements you see and celebrate them.

Redirection #2

The second strategy we used was redirection.
It’s important with a redirection to take no out of the equation, choices are a
great alternative. Imagine a scenario where you’re in a restaurant and your kid
is wailing.

The hard part here is to get your child to stop screaming long enough for you to build a connection. Most parents have calming strategies and if you practise them with your child they are more likely to be effective. In the first moment of calm, you can say “Your choice to scream and cry in public is not a good one. It would be best to say, Dad. What can I do to get ice-cream?” You can replace this with an appropriate option.

The challenge with being calm and redirecting is that we need to be clear-minded, focused and really engaged at the moment. If we’re on our phones, talking with friends or family. Thinking about work or the bill. You’ll miss this opportunity to discipline in a way that has long term benefits.

Repair and Ground Rules #3

The third strategy is to repair and use ground rules.

Once you’ve given the better option and it’s been taken. You have a chance to repair this behaviour and by setting ground rules you can make this a long term win.

It’s these ground rules that help you course correct the poor choices and direct the behaviour that you want to see.

Consequences vs Ultimatums

When I was a child and being punished. My parents worked in a busy business long hours, their default was to go to ultimatums.

“Do that again and you’re grounded for a week” or “If I catch you doing X, you’ll go to bed without dinner”.

Looking back this worked to a point. But the flip side is that you remember more of the ultimatums than the happier times. I’ve learned through trial and error with my own kids that consequences are more effective and do not break down trust.

What to do when ground rules get broken?

It’s these consequences that you use when the ground rules are broken.

In the martial arts class, when the hyperactive student breaks the ground rules. They would miss a turn in a game or go to the back of the line in a queue. We needed not to shame the child with being isolated, but on the flip side, there should be clear ground rules and proportionate consequences.

Yes, there are times we would like to exclude the student from the class, the club and even the universe. Again it’s here that patience is so important and probably impulse control too. With an attainable consequence, you can maintain trust and you’re more likely to get the long term behaviour that you’re looking to achieve.

Interestingly, we would occasionally hear a strategy from Parents that little Kevin has been misbehaving at home with his sister, or something similar. He likes martial arts training, so the parent would react by removing Kevin from the martial arts class as a punishment.

We would suggest that this would remove Kevin from an environment where he is behaving positively. Removing him from this is likely to be detrimental to the change you would like to see. He may even feel shame when he returns to the class and loses all the progress he’s made.

Alternatives to punishment?

Other options are to write a letter to his sister, apologising for his behaviour and explaining how he is going to behave in the future. If they are too young to write, give the apology face to face. For the apology to feel sincere, there is some value to pre-framing or
practising this between yourself and your child before they give it to the intended

Don’t expect them to know the ground rules or what you’re thinking!

It will be clearer to your child and better received with some practice.

Along the lines of this…

“X is the behaviour I did, Y is what I should have done and Z is my promise to you for how I’m going to act in the future”.

You can replace XYZ with the appropriate actions.

It’s more personal.It does not need to be a letter or in person, it can even be a video. But there has to be an intention to repair the broken ground rule.

If you try these strategies, that is become fully engaged with them and you’re still getting nowhere.

What to do if these strategies do not work?

Then there is plenty to gain by seeking the help of an expert.

Chances are that something is interfering or limiting their development.

This does not mean that your child has a neurological deficiency, although this may be the root cause.

It means that you can get an objective view and help on how to create the changes that you would like to see.

There are groups that you can chat with for help. Family lives have the aim of ensuring that all parents have somewhere to turn before they reached a crisis point.


The NSPCC also provide a useful guide to positive parenting. At the time of writing you can download this from here:


What were the points made again?

So the points made are that there are three takeaways on strategies you can use for positively disciplining your child.

Number one is about you! Be patient, be present and think about what is best for the long term. AKA, avoid ultimatums and punishment.

Number two, use redirect, repair and repeat (ground rules) as your 3 step method of discipline. This needs you to be fully engaged with your child. Again, being impulsive breaks trust and you lose some of the gains you’ve both worked hard to achieve.

Lastly, consequences are better than punishment. Plus avoid shaming, especially in public at all costs.

Hope this blog has been useful and remember that it’s focused on repairing bad behaviour. But being proactive and encouraging good behaviour with rewards, fun and positive emotions takes less effort than repairing the bad.

That’s probably another post.




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