Get Fit and Get Fierce this summer with Krav Maga Training

It’s getting close to the summer time and for many of us that means vowing to finally, finally, finally get fitter. But more often than not, what actually happens?

We make a big show of signing up for a gym, we go a few times, maybe we even meet with a trainer and then the wheels come off. We get too busy or too unmotivated or too intimidated by all the equipment and moves and routines and complicated classes and it just starts to seem like it isn’t a great use of already limited hours.

It can be hard to follow through with a fitness plan if it doesn’t feel fun and worth your valuable time.

That’s why trying something like a martial arts class can be a fantastic way to “burn calories, lose weight and get fit” while learning an invaluable skill—how to defend yourself in a real-life fight or flight situation.

Krav Maga does just this—it’s an excellent cardiovascular and muscle sculpting and fat burning workout, yet it teaches and trains you to feel like you can take on the world if needed.

There are no hard to learn moves or weird dance-like sequences that demand a level of coordination that you just don’t possess. Nor is there any unwieldly equipment to use; it’s just you using your own body weight to kick and punch and train your way into physical and mental toughness and fitness.

And in addition to all that, it is also a great way to improve your awareness, if visiting somewhere a little more exotic.

In Krav Maga you will learn how to use the body’s natural weapons—the hands, feet, elbows, knees—to disarm and disable an attacker. This is especially important for parents to learn, as you can not run off and leave your kids when on a holiday resort and your spider sense starts tingling.

We say all this not to scare you, but to encourage you to see taking a Krav Maga class as a way of killing two birds with one stone (if you’ll pardon the expression) and learn the invaluable lessons of self-awareness, situational alertness and self-defence all the while kicking and punching yourself into smaller trousers and t-shirts.

It’s a win-win situation for sure.

So what are you waiting for? If you want to reduce your waist size and increase your confidence. Get yourself booked onto our Krav Maga Trial Programme,

See what all the hottest models and actors have been lining up for over the past few years in the Hollywood gyms. You’ll have fun and get fiercely and fiery fit and sweaty and will feel empowered and emboldened.

Find your inner Jason Bourne (yes, Matt Damon trained in Krav Maga, no, he won’t be teaching our class, sorry), get your sweat on, and learn to get leaner the Krav Maga way.



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