Quick Parenting Tip: The 30 Second- Rule

Parents,This month at West Coast Martial Arts, we’re focusing on Bully Awareness. It’s a significant topic for kids and, let’s be honest, adults too. One of the challenges children often face is knowing when friendly teasing—or “banter“—crosses the line and becomes hurtful.We’ve overheard kids say things like:“He’s got a big nose.”’“What’s that on your face?” […]
questions to ask when searching for “kids martial arts classes” to find the best lesson for your child

Searching for “kids martial arts classes near me”? Our latest blog is your guide! Explore essential questions to ask when considering local classes for your child. From curriculum specifics to instructor qualifications and safety measures, these insights ensure an informed decision for parents seeking the best martial arts experience. Discover the perfect kids’ martial arts classes near you!